Implicit: Checklist
- Activate implicit by setting IMFLAG=1 on *CONTROL_IMPLICIT_GENERAL
- Set DT0 to a reasonable initial time step
- Find a way to constrain spurious modes
- Use numerical damping by putting GAMMA=0.6 and BETA=0.38
- Increase or decrease ILIMIT based on convergence characteristics
- Use full Newton (ILIMIT=1) for hard problems
- Keep MAXREF to a reasonably low number
- ABSTOL may be set to 1.e-20 to prevent premature convergence
- Relaxing DCTOL may not necessarily result in better convergence
- Future strategy may be to focus on residual
- Set DTMAX to a number that resolves features of interest
- Contacts
- Material nonlinearities
- Frequencies
- Don’t use LSMTD=1 for nonlinear solver 12
- Switch to LSMTD=5 if negative volumes is an issue (typically rubbers)
- Don’t change LSTOL
- Use NLPRINT=3 to thoroughly track the residual norm and monitor line search behavior if debugging model is necessary
- Complement this with RESPLOT=1 on *DATABASE_EXTENT_BINARY to get the possibility to fringe the residual force vector
- Tools are oriented towards the blank
- Contact on top and bottom of blank are separarated among contact interfaces
- With this option, separate solids and shells into different contact interfaces in order to not manipulate the contact thickness for shells
- Increase stiffness scaling factor SFS
- Increase IGAP for progressive stiffness increase
- Increase SST for solids while at the same time increasing SFS
- Check initial penetrations in message file
TB 2015