LS-Post binary database
LS-POST State Database
Geometry Data
- Nodal coordinates
- Element connectivities
- User Node, Element and Material Numbers
State Data
Global Data
- Global energies (kinetic, internal, and total energy)
- Rigid body velocities in x, y, z direction
- Global energies for each material
- Rigid body velocities in x, y, z direction for each material
- Mass of each material
- Normal force components for the stonewalls
Nodal Data
- coordinates
- translational velocities
- accelerations
Element Data
- solid elements
- beam elements
- shell elements
- thick shell elements
LS-POST Time History Database
Geometry Data
- Nodal coordinates
- Element connectivities
- User Node, Element and Material Numbers
State Data
Global Data
- Global energies (kinetic, internal, and total energy)
- Rigid body velocities in x, y, z direction
- Global energies for each material
- Rigid body velocities in x, y, z direction for each material
- Mass of each material
- Normal force components for the stonewalls
Nodal Data for each nodal block
- coordinates
- translational velocities
- accelerations
Element Data for each element block
- solid elements
- beam elements
- shell elements
- thick shell elements
LS-POST Interface Force Database
Geometry Data
- Nodal coordinates
- Element connectivities
- User Node, Element and Material Numbers
State Data
Global Data
- Global energies (kinetic, internal, and total energy)
- Rigid body velocities in x, y, z direction
- Global energies for each material
- Rigid body velocities in x, y, z direction for each material
- Mass of each material
- Normal force components for the stonewalls
Nodal Data
- coordinates
- translational velocities
- accelerations
Sliding Interface Segment Data
- Normal interface pressure acting on segment
- Maximum interface shear stress acting on segment
- Shear stress in local r-direction of segment
- Shear stress in local s-direction of segment
- x-, y-, and z-force at nodes 1 to 4 of segment
Element Variables for Solids
'1. Sigma-xx (Cauchy stress)
'2. Sigma-yy
'3. Sigma-zz
'4. Sigma-xy
'5. Sigma-yz
'6. Sigma-zx
'7. E ective plastic strain or material dependent variable
Define NEIPH additional history variables here
The following quantities are expected if and only if STRFLG=1
(Control Card 21, Columns 21-25)
'8. eps-xx
'9. eps-yy
'10. eps-zz
'11. eps-xy
'12. eps-yz
'13. eps-zx
Element Variables for Beams
'1. Axial force
'2. Shear resultant - s
'3. Shear resultant - t
'4. Bending moment -s
'5. Bending moment -t
'6. Torsional resultant
Element Variables for Shells
'1. Sigma-xx (midsurface global Cauchy stress)
'2. Sigma-yy
'3. Sigma-zz
'4. Sigma-xy
'5. Sigma-yz
'6. Sigma-zx
'7. E ective plastic strain or material dependent variable
Define NEIPS additional history variables here for midsurface
'8. Sigma-xx (innersurface global Cauchy stress)
'15. Sigma-xx (outersurface global Cauchy stress)
If |MAXINT| > 3 then define an additional (|MAXINT|- 3) * (7 + NEIPS) quantities here.
'22. Bending Moment - mxx
'23. Bending Moment - myy
'24. Bending Moment - mzz
'25. Shear Resultant - qxx
'26. Shear Resultant - qyy
'27. Normal Resultant - nxx
'28. Normal Resultant - nyy
'29. Normal Resultant - nxy
'30. Thickness
'31. Element dependent variable
'32. Element dependent variable
'33. Internal energy (if and only if NV 2D = 33
The following quantities are expected if and only if STRFLG=1 in *DATABASE_EXTENT_BINARY
(Control Card 21, Columns 21-25)
'33. eps-xx (inner surface strain in global system)
'34. eps-yy
'35. eps-zz
'36. eps-xy
'37. eps-yz
'38. eps-zx
'39. eps-xx (outer surface strain in global system)
'40. eps-yy
'41. eps-zz
'42. eps-xy
'43. eps-yz
'44. eps-zx
'45. Internal energy (if and only if NV 2D = 45
Element Variables for Thick Shells
'1. Sigma-xx (midsurface global Cauchy stress)
'2. Sigma-yy
'3. Sigma-zz
'4. Sigma-xy
'5. Sigma-yz
'6. Sigma-zx
'7. E ective plastic strain or material dependent variable
Define NEIPS additional history variables here for midsurface 8. Sigma-xx (innersurface global Cauchy stress)
'9. Sigma-yy
'10. Sigma-zz
'11. Sigma-xy
'12. Sigma-yz
'13. Sigma-zx
'14. E ective plastic strain or material dependent variable
Define NEIPS additional history variables here for innersurface
'15. Sigma-xx (outersurface global Cauchy stress)
'16. Sigma-yy
'17. Sigma-zz
'18. Sigma-xy
'19. Sigma-yz
'20. Sigma-zx
'21. E ective plastic strain or material dependent variable
Define NEIPS additional history variables here for outersurface. If |MAXINT| > 3 then define an additional (|MAXINT| - 3) * (7 + NEIPS) quantities here.